Clear the Clutter

"Clear the clutter" is the notification I often get on my phone that suggests I should delete some of the unwanted things in the phone. Just a matter of few clicks and all the clutter will be cleared. How easy is that !! I wish it was that easy to do in life as well. Today I would like to take you to one such instance in the Bible where a clear the clutter operation was performed. The young energetic king Hezekiah at the age of 25 took the throne and started reigning. But unlike his wicked father king Ahaz who had shut the door of the temple of God and did every kind of evil ; Hezekiah did what was right in the sight of God and followed the path of his forefather David. What a good testimony he was able to keep inspite of his negative circumstances. This world always tells us "Like father, Like son ". But it is not so and king Hezekiah is the proof. You always have the power to choose- " the willful choice ". It amazes me how king Hezekiah was able to ov...