In His time

A tale of heart Liz : Why are you so sad today Emma ? Emma : It’s been ten years Liz that my name is in top on the prayer list . God has yet not answered it. I feel my name will be taken out of it very soon, thinking it is not God’s will . Liz : Oh No Emma! You should not think in that way. Does God work in our schedule? God works in His own schedule which is perfect for us . Do you know after 400 years of silence God sent His angel to Zacharias to bring the glad tidings? His silence didn’t mean He was not at work . Emma : Oh yes Liz . The story of Zacharias and Elizabeth in the Bible always encourages me. I really admire Elizabeth to wait on God for years without being bitter . Liz : Yes that’s what amazes me too, about Elizabeth. She was righteous and blameless before God irrespective of all the negative circumstances of her life! She teaches me to pray without ceasing, no matter whether it’s been 10,20 or 30 years of waiting on God. Our part is to pray, tru...