"Let it go" was the sound I heard in my room where my toddler was singing it aloud. These three words were so catchy that somehow it got stuck in my mind and made me realize that I too need to let go of many things in my life and hold on to God more tightly. These days I am meditating on the book of Job. The Book of Job is a wonderful book which teaches us many things when we go through the various trials of life. I really admire Job, who was able to worship God in the midst of his losses. As I started reading Job, I had to push myself to read the whole chapters as the majority of the book of Job contains harsh judgments from his friends. Eighty percent of the book of Job is all about Job's friends' opinions about him and the way they misjudged him. And the last five chapters are about God and His word. But those five chapters were enough to lift Job up from the ashes of the pit. Job felt miserable as long as he dwelled on the opinions of others, but the moment his ...