Are you qualified?

Scrolling through the job portals we find many opportunities that match our profile and as we click on it we see the description of the role and the qualifications that the employer is seeking. As you go through those jotted points, you will see if you are qualified for that specific role or not. If you fulfill all those criteria then the next step is to send the job application and so on.

Psalms 15 - a psalm of David  is titled in the Amplified version as " Description of the citizen of Zion" or you can say "qualifications needed to be the citizens of Zion".  It was very interesting to see that title and I was curious to see if I fulfilled those criteria.

The psalm begins with a question to ponder. 

Lord who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?

Psalms 15:1

Then the rest of the psalms are the answer to this question. Following are the criteria to be citizen of Zion- 

Psalms 15:2-5

While reading these verses one thing that came to my mind - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. There is only one person - the Son of God himself that fulfills the above criteria.

We would have never become citizens of heaven on our own merits. How much should we thank our Saviour who didn't withhold that one step to leave heaven's glory and come down to die for us . His blood on the doorpost of our heart qualifies us for the heavenly citizenship. What a wonderful love of God! 

Psalms 15 is not only a qualification needed for the citizenship but also the character expected from a child of God who abides with Him. Once you are a citizen of a country, you are expected to live following the rules and regulations of that nation. How much are we able to keep up to the heavenly standard? Do we enter into His holy presence without fulfilling these criteria?This should be our daily checklist, it should be hung on our walls, which would remind us -THIS IS WHAT IS REQUIRED OF YOU AND ME!

As Spurgeon says -

Without the wedding-dress of righteousness in Christ Jesus, we have no right to sit at the banquet of communion. Without uprightness of walk we are not fit for the imperfect church on earth, and certainly we must not hope to enter the perfect church above.

May God help us to introspect our lives each and every day according to the heavenly qualifications. May the world see the heavenly standard in us and may we seek to fulfill our roles and responsibilities. For those who do such these things shall never be shaken no matter what challenges life brings. For the Holy One who abides with him shall preserve him for ever. 


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