Not a Fancy Cart but a Consecrated Shoulder

Not a Fancy Cart but a Consecrated Shoulder

Each and every story in the word of God has something significant to teach us. As the story unfolds in 1Chronicles 13 and 15 we see king David - a man after God's own heart, the ark of God which represents the presence of God, the new fancy cart to carry the ark of God, and a victim named Uzza. Yes, that's the story of bringing the ark of God from obscurity to the place of prominence. The good intention of bringing God's presence back to His people by king David somehow resulted in the tragic death of Uzza. At the first glimpse it seems so weird why the obvious action by Uzza- to steady the ark of God when the ox stumbled, was so severely punished by God. But as you take a deeper dig into the story you understand the severe punishment as a justified action from God.

We see the familiarity of actions of these characters in the following aspects of our own life as well.

1. Decision Making 
Then David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, and with every leader. And David said to all the assembly of Israel, “If it seems good to you, and if it is of the Lord our God, 
Then all the assembly said that they would do so, for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people.
I Chronicles 13:1‭-‬2‭, ‬4

King David on the verge of decision making consulted thousands of men than the God of thousands. He leaned on his own understanding, trying to please men first rather than God. It all seemed right in the eyes of men but not God.

Remember when you are on the verge of decision making or doing any ministry for God-
1. Seek God's will by spending much time in prayer. 
2. Ask yourself - “will it please God ?”
3. Is it right in the eyes of God?

We would be wise to begin each day with this prayer.
Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.All day long I put my hope in you.”
 Psalm 25:4-5 

2. Ignorant Disobedience
So they carried the ark of God on a new cart from the house of Abinadab, and Uzza and Ahio drove the cart.
I Chronicles 13:7
Transporting the ark on a cart was a way invented by Philistines to return the ark to Israelites. This fancy new cart was against God's specific command. The ark was designed to be carried on shoulders (Exodus 25:12-15) and was only to be carried by Levites of the family of Kohath (Numbers 4:15).

God desires His work to be done in His way and His order. Ignorant disobedience is a kind of obedience which follows the way and order of man rather than obeying the order of God as mentioned in His word.

In a way we obey God but we want to obey it as it pleases us; according to our own ways and convenience. For instance, God has ordained for women to cover their heads while praying but very conveniently we ignore the order and assure ourselves that as long as we are praying with a true heart it's fine. Little things do matter !! God has commanded to love and forgive all but very conveniently we apply it for only the few whom we desire to. May God help us to open our eyes to see the areas where we are ignorantly disobeying Him. 
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8

3. Irreverence
God's ark was in Uzza's house for 20 years. He was so familiar with the presence of God that he lost his reverence towards it. "Familiarity breeds contempt". The most holy ark which was not supposed to be touched by any one was touched by Uzza. As his name meant-"strength", Uzza relied on his own strength. At Chidon's threshing floor the chaff got separated from the wheat. God's anger broke upon Uzza.
His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.
Mathew 3:12

There are times when we too fail to recognize the holiness of God, becoming too familiar with Him with an irreverent attitude. Just look around and you will see the most holy word of God lying in couches or car's back seat. Being so familiar with this book that it seems like just any other book. I remember my grandfather keeping his Bible below his pillow where he used to keep only keys or any precious things. They indeed considered this word of God as precious. The pages of their Bible were torn not because they handled it irresponsibly but because they read it and searched the treasure in it intensively. How are we handling the word of God today ? 
Going to church for 10, 20, 30 years or even longer that we overlook the aspect of being reverent in the presence of the most Holy God. Bringing our unholy hands and hearts in His most Holy presence without repentance. How much more we need to remind ourselves of the Holiness and reverence of God!! By His grace we are not consumed. Thanking my Lord Jesus for His atoning blood and intercession that saves me." Christian Life begins with repentance and is sustained by repentance " - Rick Warren 

When we ponder upon the disobedience on the part of David and his people, the unholiness, and irreverence with which they handled the most Holy ark of God, we see God's action was justified.

The one thing I admire the most about King David is that he always found his way back to God. No matter how many times he falls, he always rises up, repents, mends his ways, restores his relationship with God and thus receives blessings from God. After three months of this tragic incident, God's ark is brought back to His people in the order and ways God desired, with much prayer, obedience, sanctification and worship. 

Today, we are the ark of God carrying His presence in our body. How are we carrying it? Are we carrying it in the worldy fancy new cart or are we carrying it as a chosen, consecrated Levite? 
God desires shoulders that bear God's presence with much prayer- seeking His will, obedience- in His way and order, reverence - being in awe of His holiness, sanctification- through daily repentance, and worship- in soundness and joy. 


  1. May God enrich your writings as these thoughts enrich and speak clearly to our hearts. God bless you. Keep writing for the glory of God

    1. Thank u so much chechi for the encouraging words. All glory to God .

  2. Good article Rini..Keep writing..God bless


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