Know, Seek, Serve
“As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.
I Chronicles 28:9
The great advise given by a father to his son. The great inheritance he left behind for him. The greatest prayer King David prayed for his son Solomon. What a golden piece of advice from a legendary king. As I was reading through this chapter one thing king David taught me is that there may be many things I may desire for my children but the greatest of all is that my children should know the true living God, serve God wholeheartedly and seek Him earnestly. There are many prayers I pray for my children but this prayer should never ever get off my prayer list. This was the key for success in king David's life. Above anything else this is what he desires to pass on to his son. Knowing,seeking and serving the true living God is the only key to live a life worthy of God's calling.
Know God
King David says - know the God of your father. Yes our children should be able to see a true living God in their parents life. My life should exhibit the true living God to my child. They should know the various ways God has led their parents. King David proclaims in verse 4 how God chose him above all to be a king over Israel, the wonderful ways God dealt with David his whole life. If only I could understand the preciousness of this statement- chosen above all. O Lord how privileged we are!!
Knowing God is not about some intellectual facts we read about God but its about having a personal intimate relationship with God. To know someone personally we need to have a relationship with them. For example,the relationship of a parent and a child or a husband and wife. As you enter into a relationship you get to know that person. To know God we need to get into a relationship with God by taking a new birth in His family through salvation. Our children should not only know some facts about God which is passed on to them through the church or family but they should be able to have a personal one on one relationship with God.
Now He said to me, ‘It is your son Solomon who shall build My house and My courts; for I have chosen him to be My son, and I will be his Father.
I Chronicles 28:6
God desired to be Solomon's father. He desired to have a relationship with Solomon where Solomon may know the God of his father as his own father. How wonderful it is to know that this almighty God desires to be our father. Yes our children should know this God as their own father. A father-child relationship where they will be able to share their heart with their father, where they can feel the unconditional love of this father, where they will be able to know him experientially. (John 17:3) Knowing God is eternal life.King David indeed had a personal intimate relationship with God and he desires the same for his son. It is this personal intimate relationship with God that upheld David in all the storms of his life, that made him trust in God irrespective of his circumstances , because he knew God. He knew God is good , His promises are true and he can rely on God's faithfulness.
Seek God
As we get into a relationship with someone, we seek to spend time with the person to understand and know them more. As we spend more time with them we start growing in our relationship. The word seek, we often hear in terms of job seeking or job seekers. The job seeker is the one who looks out for every opportunity he comes across to find a suitable job. The job seeker doesn't want to miss any opportunity. He is constantly,earnestly looking after for the opportunity. Oh how many times have we lost precious opportunities to seek God and to find the wonderful revelations about Him. God is so willing to reveal himself to us, but are we willing to seek Him above everything else. God promises in His word that if we seek Him with a whole heart we will find Him( Jeremiah 9:23). In Psalms 14:2 we read that the Lord looks down from heaven to see if there is anyone who seeks after him. This world offers to our children so many charming and deceptive things to which they seek after. But they should seek God above all. Seeking His advice to take all the decisions of their life. Seeking His friendship more. Seeking Him first before the phone as their day starts. Seeking His kingdom first. Seeking His face and His strength when they are weak. Seeking every opportunity to grow in the relationship with God.
Serve God
Serve God with a loyal heart and willing mind. Imagine the service which includes both the loyal heart and willing mind. A service which is not from a true heart and willingness cannot please God. God doesn't want to see His children sitting in His presence forced by someone. He doesn't want a service which doesn't include a sincere heart and mind. He sees the intention behind our service. He sees weather we are willingly doing it out of our love towards Him. He doesn't desire a unwilling disloyal outward show. He sees them all !! May our children serve this almighty God with all their heart and soul. Let it come out of their sincere heart and willing mind.
As a parent David handed over all the plans which God gave him to Solomon to build the temple of God. Yes as a parent let us handover the spiritual heritage to our children so that they build the temple of God tomorrow. May God help our children to know, seek and serve God. Let this prayer be the priority in our prayer list.
Very thought provoking! May God grant us the grace to know, seek and serve Him more and to pass on that example to our children...
ReplyDeleteThank u Chechi